finally awake
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got a visit yesterday
by finally awake inapparantly, the dubs are working the territory our house is in.
i was at work, but just ron was home when two sisters rang the bell.
i should point out that ringing our bell is a bit of a challenge since just ron removed the actual button and there are just two bare wires sticking out of the wall.
Got a phone call from the elders today
by finally awake injust ron got a phone call from the an elder today...they want to "meet" with us.
lol like that's gonna happen, right?
anyway, at least they had the good sense to have brother hasn't pissed us off yet call instead of brother thinks we shouldn't feed our kids or brother beat our kid.
Memphis, TN
by finally awake ini am here, alone and bored in my hotel room.
just ron is busy with the kids, so i can't even talk to him on the phone.
got to actually help someone today
by finally awake injust ron and i spent a few hours today helping clean up tornado damage in ridgway.
i never got to do anything like that when i was a witless.
my field circus hours were never deemed high enough to participate in quick builds or disaster relief work..
tree fell on neighbor's house today
by finally awake ini went home for lunch, and the weather was beautiful.
an hour later, the storm sirens went off and we got some hail and really high winds.
the house across the street from us used to belong to the former po of the local kingdom hall.
by finally awake ini just bought easter baskets for my kids.
this will be the first year that they get to color eggs and have easter baskets.
i may even take them to the town easter egg hunt..
bacon grease cookies
by finally awake inone pioneer sister in my former hall is well known for her thriftiness.
once she made chocolate chip cookies using bacon grease instead of butter.
she claimed they were delicious, but no one else wanted to eat them.
anyone else in Southern Illinois?
by finally awake injust ron and i live in southern illinois near the indiana border.
is there anyone else here nearby?.
Star Trek - the Borg
by finally awake init just occurred to me that we use the term "borg" when talking about the organization.
it's a cute play on words, but i wonder if the writers of star trek who came up with the idea of the borg had some experience or connection with witnesses.
Irony, thy name is Watchtower
by finally awake in(ecclesiastes 12:12) .
.as regards anything besides these, my son, take a warning: to the making of many books there is no end, and much devotion [to them] is wearisome to the flesh.. .
i never could keep up with all the reading - lol.